As we are growing in your understanding of what the church is (and should be) let’s take a look at what people prayed about (for each other, within the context of the local church) in Scripture?
As we read each of these passages let’s answer a few questions:
1. What are they praying for? (think plain simple obvious answers)
2. Based on that, how should we pray for each other? (within the church)
3. Add that topic to your prayer list.
Let’s look at the following passages:
What was Paul’s prayer for the disciples in Ephesus?
Ephesians 1:17-18 God would grant spirit of wisdom, to know Him better, eyes open to know, hope
Ephesians 3:16 God strengthen them
Ephesians 3:17-19 Jesus dwell in them, understand His love
What was Paul’s prayer for the Philippian church?
Philippians 1:9-11 That they would grow in love, understanding, discernment, filled with righteousness
What was Paul’s prayer for the Colossians?
Colossians 1:9-12 God would fill them with understanding of His will so they can live worthy, strong
What did Paul instruct the Colossians to pray for?
Colossians 4:2-4 His ability to preach the gospel.
What was Epaphras always doing for the Colossians?
Colossians 4:12 Praying that they could stand strong in God’s will.
What was Paul’s prayer request to the Thessalonian believers?
2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 That the gospel would spread quickly and they be protected.
What was Paul’s prayer for Philemon?
Philemon 4-6 Deepened understanding of what they shared in Jesus.
It is important to pray with specifics for the spreading of the gospel. My prayer lists need to include more big picture gospel goals and specific details.
If we see God answer these prayer requests then the church will look victorious (like Matthew 16:18) fully devoted & overflowing with love (like Acts 2:42-47) and unified so that people will know Jesus as the Messiah (as in Ephesians 4:4-6, John 17:20-23, John 13:34-35)
What should we do?
1. Write a prayer topic list about your church family based on these Scriptures.
2. Schedule times to pray this week.
3. Pray over your list, for each other (within the church), asking God for miracles.