What’s New?
We love that so many families enjoy spending time together at the park after church service on Sundays! Please note that after 11am, the side entrance door to HUMC will be locked. So please try to have children use the restroom before heading to the park after church, that way we do not disrupt HUMC’s service. Thank you for being considerate of our church facility partner!
This Week
Life Group Tonight on Zoom
This week, Life Group will be held Wednesday night on Zoom at 7pm. We will be discussing Chapter 7 of The Gospel Comes with a House Key. Please use this link and info to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/
Meeting ID: 810 2643 0422 Passcode: Wed4L1f3G
Facility Improvement Work Party
This Saturday, March 4th, you’re invited to join us at the church facility at 10am to work on a variety of improvement projects. We would like to start a few painting projects downstairs. We are going to install our old sound system in the Fellowship Hall. We have cleaning to do. We can organize and clean a variety of Children’s ministry and other supplies downstairs. Several students from our friends at New Testament Church in Massena, NY will be helping us on this day and serving in the Sunday service.
Please bring a lunch for yourself.
We will have a time of worship and prayer in the afternoon, after the work is done.
Children are welcome. The larger classroom will be open to them. We will share the supervision of the children.
Sunday Church Service
We are looking forward to our Sunday church service this Sunday, March 5th, at 9am! If you missed last week’s message, you can watch it here on CHC’s Facebook page or listen to the recording here.
Upcoming Events
- March 1st, 7pm Life Group on Zoom
- March 3rd, 7pm CHC Youth Night
- March 4th, 10am Facility Improvement Work Party
- March 5th, 9am In-Person Church Service and Livestream
- March 9th, 6:30pm Life Group at the Weybrights’
- March 10th, 7pm CHC Youth Night
- March 12th, 9am In-Person Church Service and Livestream
Good to Know
Bible College Classes
Portland Bible College classes are available online. You can take classes for credit or simply for the sake of learning (independent study). You will see that the Basic Doctrine class Pastor Ben has mentioned is listed here among the beginning classes.
Helping Families New to Baltimore
After consideration from our elders and leaders, we have decided to partner with an organization of churches to support Afghan families who are newly arrived in Baltimore. In addition to making a financial contribution, our church would also like to help assist these families in additional ways. If you are interested in donating furniture please contact Aaron Mayhew at info@loveaaco.org or (443) 848-3417.
City Harbor Church: helping people take next steps in following Jesus. Click here for more information about us and what we believe.