In Matthew 17:1-13, Peter, James, and John see Jesus in a new light. They see that Jesus Christ is the Savior sent by a joyful, relational, and powerful Father God.
They get a glimpse of what John saw, “his face was like the sun in all its brilliance.” – Revelation 1:16
Moses and Elijah come to talk with Jesus. Moses and Elijah had talked with God, in close personal encounters, during their lives on earth.
Matthew 17:3 (ACCS Mt 14-28): He then set before them Moses and Elijah, who were ready to die ten thousand times for God’s decrees and for the people entrusted to them. Each of them, having lost his life, found it. For each of them both spoke boldly to tyrants, the one to the Egyptian, the other to Ahab. They spoke on behalf of heartless and disobedient people. They were brought into extreme danger by the very persons who were saved by them. Both desired to lead people away from idolatry. – Chrysostom
Peter asks if they should build Memorials or Tabernacles to continue what is happening. He is asking the wrong question.
“The Lord did not reply to this suggestion, for it was not wicked but inappropriate, since the world could not be saved except by Christ’s death. And in the Lord’s warning the faith of those who believe is called to account. Among the temptations of this life we should understand that we are to ask for endurance before glory.” – Leo the Great
“A bright cloud overshadowed them in a voice from the cloud, said this is my dearly loved son, who brings me great joy. Listen to him.” – Matthew 17:5
What do we learn?
Jesus Christ is the Savior sent by a joyful, relational, and powerful Father God.
Supporting material from Black history:
Rev Dr Gardner Taylor pastor of Concord Baptist Church in Brooklyn NY, 1948-1990. Dr. Taylor has been widely acclaimed as one of the most outstanding preachers in the nation. He has preached on six continents, delivered the 100th Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale University. On August 9, 2000, Dr Taylor received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, The highest honor the United States bestowed upon a citizen.
“ Jesus Christ. Can you not say it too? He is our peace and pardon. He is our light and life. He is our lawyer and leader. He is our hope and help. He is our way and Waymaker. He is our strength and stay, our deliver and delight. He is my substitute and Savior by Jesus my God.” – Rev Dr Gardner Taylor 1977
Josephine Delphine Henderson Heard was born October 11, 1861. She was the daughter of two enslaved parents, Lafayette and Annie Henderson in Salisbury, North Carolina. After slavery ended, a goal was set for her to become a teacher. She married William Henry Heard on January 21, 1882.[2] She held teaching positions in many cities as she traveled with her husband, who was prominent in the AME Church. Her joy in teaching is reflected in the preface of her 1890 volume of poetry entitled Morning Glories. She wrote “from a heart that desires to encourage and inspire the youth of the Race.”
“ I will look up to thee thou bright and morning star; with eyes of faith, I see, thy glory from afar. I will look up to thee my hand shall rest in thine, wherever thou will lead me. Thy will Oh Lord, not mine! I will look up to thee when deaths’ Relentless hand has laid its weight on me. Save – thou atoning lamb! I will look up to thee when crossing Jordan‘s wave. Then Lord I look to thee whose power alone can save.!” Josephine Delphine Henderson Heard 1890
What should we do?
1. Believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
2. Listen to Jesus Christ by giving attention to his words.
3. Give time and energy to this every day.
How does this work?
Consider the answers to this question. What did Jesus actually say?
Search “Bible Jesus ___.” Fill in the blank and read the Scriptures with the words of Jesus on your selected subject. Such as: prayer, love, forgiveness, unity, parenting, sex, money, and more.
Giving time for deep consideration of who Jesus is will be beneficial in any moment.
Early Jesus followers made this a high priority practice.
“reverence for Christ” – Ephesians 5:21 constant respectful awareness of Jesus, ….
“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,” – 2 Corinthians 10:5
Prayer with a focus on Jesus, who Jesus is, what Jesus says about your topic.
Bring listening to Jesus into important moments.