Live in the Love of Jesus
“abide in my love,” John 15:9
Be with Jesus
“I am the true vine, remain in me, and I will remain in you.” – John 15:1, 4 NCV
Give your cares to God
“Casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.” – 1 Peter 5:7 CSB
The Perfect King Arrives
We can all grow in our understanding of the perfect ruler that King Jesus is and respond by asking God to shape us to be more like Jesus and to shape our world in this way.
The Savior King Arrives
We can all grow in our understanding of the salvation King Jesus brings and respond by asking God to shape us to be more like Jesus and to shape our world in this way.
The Victorious King Arrives
This Advent season, we are celebrating the arrival of Jesus Christ our King. We are learning more about and responding to five characteristics of King Jesus: Humble, Suffering, Victorious, Savior, Perfect. We will pray together, asking God to show more of each characteristic in our world today.
The Suffering King Arrives
We can all grow in our understanding of the purposeful suffering of King Jesus and respond by asking God to shape us to be more like Jesus and to shape our world in this way.
The Humble King Arrives
Why is the birth of Jesus such a big deal? His life, death, and resurrection caused multiple written records of His birth and prompted a persistent movement of people.
Surprising Seed
God’s Kingdom goes beyond our expectations. God can bring about growth inside us that can cause big changes in our world. We can all participate in God’s expanding Kingdom by recognizing where God is at work in us, responding faithfully, and representing Jesus.
Our Prayer for Peace in the Middle East
Our hearts go out to all who are suffering from violence.
The Church Choir
Biblical Choir 1 Chronicles 15:16 & 28 Nehemiah 12: 27 1 Peter 2:5, 9 Every follower (disciple) of Jesus can be part of an earthly choir and heavenly choir. Revelation 5:11-12 Hebrews 12:22 Jesus will get involved. Hebrews 2:10-12 Every disciple is a priest...
Worship New Testament Style
What do we learn from the New Testament about how we should worship?
David’s Tent
Psalms 22:3 in my troubles, I still see you God as enthroned on the praises of your people, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? You seem far from saving me, far away from my groans. My God, I call to you during the day, but you do not answer. I call at night;...
What did David learn?
Four Truths David learned about Worship Music
Worship Life Characteristics
1 Chronicles 16:4-6 “David appointed the following Levites to lead the people in worship before the Ark of the LORD—to invoke his blessings, to give thanks, and to praise the LORD, the God of Israel.”
How can we live our lives honoring the words Jesus spoke, “Loving God with our whole heart”? Or Wholehearted?
Jesus my strength
“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13
Romans 12:1-3
In a combined service of City Harbor and Hampden UMC, Pastors Rebecca Malmin, Galen Zook, and Ben Malmin provide thoughts on today’s text along with illustrations from both churches.