November 24  Proverbs 28:18-28  1 Peter 3  Ezekiel 45; 46

Please read the suggested passages, prayerfully consider them, and the questions below. My comments here may be helpful after those moments. The suggested daily reading is for the purpose of reading through the whole Bible within a year.

Reading the Bible is helpful in taking next steps to follow Jesus. It may not be easy and yet it can be rewarding. Digging into Scripture alongside people you know is a life-giving way to pursue answers together. We discover the love that God has for us has been expressed through Jesus.

  • What’s the plain simple truth of the verses you read?
  • Based on today’s reading, what is one thing God is saying to you?
  • What should you do about that truth?

November 24  Proverbs 28:18-28  1 Peter 3  Ezekiel 45; 46

Proverbs 28:18-28

We can receive the love of God and live out of gratitude. Healthy relationships with God and others bring great benefits. As a result, we experience peace. All of this will bring new motivation to work hard and live our days with purpose and wisdom. Because we have been changed by God’s love we will be responsive to the needs of people who are poor. Chasing money, with unhealthy motives, does not lead to peaceful stability in a community. Relying on God brings peaceful strength. Turning a blind eye to the poor will bring consequences.

1 Peter 3

Peter is following the leading of the Holy Spirit, as he writes. Here we read about a Christian value system of loving respect in marriage relationships of equal partnership. Here and in Ephesians 5:21, we read that Peter and Paul were teaching with consistency. We read instructions for fully devoted followers of Jesus to treat each other with love and respect. We must be kind and humble in all relationships. If a husband doesn’t want his prayer to be hindered, he must treat his wife with honor as an equal partner in their faith walk. A God-honoring wife should show respect for her husband. We should all be peacemakers. Self-control and the pursuit of what is right are characteristics of Christians whose prayer draws a response from God. As a follower of Jesus, we should be ready to explain what we believe about Jesus in a gentle and respectful way. With careful thought, each one of us should develop what we might say given the opportunity about Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Re-read 1 Peter 3:15-16 and consider what you should do about it this week.

Ezekiel 45; 46

Twenty-five years into a captivity that they brought on themselves, God sends Ezekiel to the people with an inspirational vision. He speaks of a restoration of a place of meeting and God’s love forever among them. He sees forgiveness made available. He speaks of celebrations and rest returned. Conflict removed. A call to mercy and justice. There would be land available for everyone. God shows Ezekiel the sacrifices, feasts, and festivals in the place of worship at Temple. Everyone who earned money and produced a harvest was invited to give resources toward the worship activities. Offerings were brought to God daily, weekly, and seasonally. God required honesty from His leaders as they served the people.

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