October 25  Psalm 119:97-104  2 Timothy 4  Jeremiah 51:15-64

Please read the suggested passages, prayerfully consider them, and the questions below. My comments here may be helpful after those moments. The suggested daily reading is for the purpose of reading through the whole Bible within a year.

Reading the Bible is helpful in taking next steps to follow Jesus. It may not be easy and yet it can be rewarding. Digging into Scripture alongside people you know is a life-giving way to pursue answers together. We discover the love that God has for us has been expressed through Jesus.

  • What’s the plain simple truth of the verses you read?
  • Based on today’s reading, what is one thing God is saying to you?
  • What should you do about that truth?

October 25  Psalm 119:97-104  2 Timothy 4  Jeremiah 51:15-64

Psalm 119:97-104

The poet expresses real pleasure found in taking the Scripture as guidance from God. It has helped him discover how to live. The songwriter has enjoyed following that guidance. It has actually been fun to discover the benefits of following God’s guidance. Pleasure. It’s possible to experience pleasure by tasting the truth of what God has said. Ever thought about that? God has something to say about your day, today. Are you listening? Avoid the conversations and you may miss out on something fun.

2 Timothy 4

Paul reminds Timothy of their directive to faithfully teach the Good News of Jesus, from the Scriptures, through careful preparation. This is of utmost importance. It is a sin to preach or teach the Good News of Jesus under-prepared. Anyone who wants to speak up about Jesus should consider this. With a patient love, we should be generous with our life and happy to give it for the purpose of God. We can know the same fulfillment that Paul writes about when we live for God’s purpose. Let us abandon a me-first life. Let us run wholeheartedly in the direction God provides.

Jeremiah 51:15-64

Jeremiah sings about the greatness of the one true living God. This God has given life to us. This God is speaking today.  This God is all-powerful and worthy of the highest praise. The worship of anything else, as though it were most valuable is foolish. The living God is overflowing with faithful love. Come on, let us praise God! Let us love God with the best of our energy, heart, and soul!

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