December 23

Psalm 146 This Psalm provides a helpful example of a few good practices in a healthy relationship with God. We should daily make a decision to praise God with the best of our energy. We should carefully consider what we believe about God to be true. We should talk...

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December 22

Proverbs 31:1-9 What great wisdom for life is available to us here! King Lemuel writes lessons learned from his mother. Clearly, her relationship with God produced helpful guidance for many people. We learn that selfishness brings harm to the people in our lives and...

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December 21

Psalm 145:13-21 Forever God will be found keeping promises. “Filled with kindness” our God is drawing people into the right healthy relationship with Him. Our God is constantly interacting with people, listening to people, and helping people. The One who provides for...

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December 20

Psalm 145:8-13 David sings the ancient description of God’s character, found in many Scriptures including Exodus 34:6. You may find yourself happier and less stressed if you would memorize and then meditate on Psalm 145:8. What is God like? What is God thinking or...

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December 19

Psalm 145:1-7 David had found God to be praiseworthy over his lifetime, in days good and bad. God is greater than any other. David has learned the value of giving God worship every day. Each of us should tell our children the stories of God’s miracles, seen in our...

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December 18

Proverbs 30:24-33 Agur collects wisdom sourced from a relationship with God. He observes the design of the Creator in the animal kingdom. There are lessons to be learned from everything in creation. We can improve the quality of our lives by seeking them out. There’s...

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December 17

Psalm 144:9-15 David had seen God rescue him in the past and he needed God’s protection once again. David mixed his praise for God with his call for help. David prays at a time of facing enemies. “God, please protect me now in the same way you have protected me in the...

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December 16

Psalm 144:1-8 Do you ever stop to think about what you have learned about who God is, over the course of your life? King David sings about God’s sovereign control of the world throughout his life. David looks to God for protection. David marvels at the fact that the...

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December 15

Psalm 143 As his depression deepened, David sang his prayer to God. David reminded himself of God’s goodness in days past. He was honest about losing hope. In this state, he was thirsty for the presence of God and continued to sing his conversation with God. David...

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December 14

Proverbs 30:11-23 It can be easier to see the faults in others than to see what needs repairing in ourselves. Some will allow pain from the past to turn to bitterness and anger. Some will convince themselves of their own superiority. Some will become violent. Such...

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