December 13
Psalm 142 The prophet Samuel had anointed David to be the next king. David had defeated the giant Goliath, who was the champion of the opposing Philistine army. King Saul had become consumed by jealousy of David’s fame. King Saul and his team were in pursuit of David...
December 12
Psalm 141 Several times in David’s life, there were people trying to kill him. David would confess his own wrong, seeking mercy and protection from God. “God help me!” David sings as a prayer. We hear David’s humanity, (verse 7 could be translated like this), “They...
December 11
Psalm 140:6-13 David called out to God in a season when there were people trying to kill him. In his prayer, David recalls how God rescued him in the past. He reminds God of His past provision. David calls on God for big specific miracles. In this prayer, David cries...
December 10
Proverbs 30:1-10 This proverb gives us common sense and a prayer. God, I may not be the smartest or the strongest, but I recognize You as the powerful God. Please provide for my needs. Help me resist a temptation to turn away from You God, distracted by my financial...
December 9
Psalm 140:1-5 David was at risk of a violent attack by a variety of specific people, in different seasons of his life. He sang a prayer for protection. This song was available for people to use in the same way. Singing your prayer request to God is a helpful practice....
December 8
Psalm 139:17-24 Whatever God is thinking, should be most valuable to me. God knows us. God knows everything about us. God has a perfect understanding of us, and God loves us completely. Our loving Creator has thought about each of us more than we know. This love...
December 7
Psalm 139:11-16 No one knows the human body better than the God who gives each person life. Our God knows us personally, heart, and soul. No one knows each of us better than the God who has given us life. Psalm 139 is a song of gratitude for our Creator. God created...
December 6
Proverbs 29:19-27 When an adult remains as self-oriented as a toddler, we may think of them as immature. This develops into an unhealthy consideration of self as more important than the rest of the world. This may include the belief that one’s self is better than, or...
December 5
Psalm 139:1-10 King David had a roller coaster of a life. He learned valuable lessons through his life experiences by considering where and when God had been involved. David reflected on what God had said and what God had done. These observations helped him come to...
December 4
Psalm 138 King David sings praises to Yahweh God, who is superior to anything or anyone else worshipped by people. His song repeatedly describes our God as one who is faithful in love. David has found God to be responsive. David believes in the promises of God. David...