December 3

Psalm 137 God provided for the Israelites, showing them love from the beginning, and offering them guidance for life. Through prophets, God warned them of the damage that would be the result of breaking off a relationship with Him. They ignored this. They rejected God...

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December 2

Proverbs 29:10-18 Recognizing God as our Provider brings calm to our spirit. Daily interaction with God encourages learning and character development. This includes personal growth in the area of self-control. As we learn how to manage our thoughts and feelings in...

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December 1

Psalm 136:13-26 The faithful love of God for us is eternal. That’s the theme of Psalm 136, a song that Israelites have sung over the centuries. It recounts specific events where they saw God miraculously deliver them from enemies. Constantly repeating, “God’s faithful...

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November 30

Psalm 136:1-12 The faithful steadfast love of God lives on forever. It has been known by people from the beginning of human history to today. With supernatural love, God has revealed Himself as the Giver of Life. Let us thank God. Let’s throw our Thank You at Yahweh...

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November 29

Psalm 135:13-21 God, our Creator, and Redeemer has been known by people of every generation. It is normal for people to value one object more than others. It is foolish to value anything more than the One True Living God. Our God is listening to us. Let us worship God...

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November 28

Proverbs 29:1-9 Few things are as dangerous as refusing to accept criticism. People who live by the wisdom found in a relationship with God will bring happiness and stability to others. People of such wisdom are able to increase the peace of their community. A love...

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November 27

Psalm 135:1-12 Here we read words that people were singing about their personal experiences with God as well as what they had learned about God over their collective history. Let us learn from them. Let us praise God. Let us praise Yahweh our Creator and Redeemer....

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November 26

Psalm 134 Here is a simple memorable song for everyone who worships the One True Living God. Here is a song for people who faithfully serve at the place of worship. Let us all praise God. Yahweh our Creator and Redeemer is worthy of the best of our energy and our...

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November 25

Psalm 133 When we receive the love of God, we are changed for the better. We want to share this love with others. We become peacemakers. We place a high value on the shalom peace of God where each member of a community should be shown love and respect. We are...

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November 24

Proverbs 28:18-28 We can receive the love of God and live out of gratitude. Healthy relationships with God and others bring great benefits. As a result, we experience peace. All of this will bring new motivation to work hard and live our days with purpose and wisdom....

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