How can a home bring peace to a neighborhood?
The “Shalom” Peace of God is a significant theme of Scripture. In Judges chapter 6, Gideon comes away from an interaction with God saying “the Lord is peace”.
Jesus the “Messiah” sent for our salvation is about peace:
Messiah predicted as the “Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
Zechariah’s prophecy that the Messiah would guide us into the “path of peace” in Luke 1:77-79
Angels announced Messiah’s birth with, “Glory to God. Peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Luke 2:14
God given purpose in a peaceful home:
“The Lord…blesses the home of the upright.” Proverbs 3:33
Mary and Martha’s home Luke 10:38-42
Jesus tells his followers to serve a town and minister from a home that has offered hospitality. Mark 6 Luke 9, 10
We see Jesus’ followers following His instructions “house to house,” in Acts 2.
God given purpose in peacemaking:
“the Kingdom of God…is a life of righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17
“Search for peace and work to maintain it.” Psalm 34:14
“Work for the peace of the city…pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.” v 7 Jeremiah 29:5-14