- Jesus came sharing life. John 10:10
- God shares life through Jesus. John 3:16-17
- The resurrected Jesus gives instructions for sharing. Matthew 4:19 Luke 24:44-49 Acts 1:6-8
Note: Jesus redirects their focus, reminds them that God is their source, engages their responsibility, and gives them instructions for sharing beyond their current circle of influence.
What are we learning?
1. Through the Good News of Jesus, we are blessed to be a blessing.
2. God’s promise includes an invitation to participation.
3. We are called to help people take next steps in following Jesus.
What should we do?
1. Pray for a list of people who need to hear God’s invitation.
2. Ask God what you should do.
3. Prepare to share the Good News of Jesus.
4. Prepare to share your story.
5. Accept the invitation to participation in God’s purpose for our church.
City Harbor Church…helping people take next steps in following Jesus.