Mark 10:35-45
Being in relationship with Jesus brings you to a healthy life of service.
First, let us come to Jesus as He asked us to:
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” – Jesus in Matthew 11:28-29
· God wants to cleanse you from sin.
· God wants to free you from what weighs you down.
· God wants to heal you from the hurts of the past.
· God wants to release you from the resentments of the past.
· God wants to bring you into spiritual rest.
· God wants to guide you.
Prayer – may God help us find rest in relationship with Jesus (see above).
Second, let us receive the love of God as found in Psalm 139:1-18 and then respond as seen in Psalm 139:23-24.
Psalm 139- Known by God. Loved by God. Brought into an awareness of God’s love for you.
In Psalm 139 we find the realization that God has been there all the time, loving you.
King David had a roller coaster of a life. He learned valuable lessons through his life experiences by considering where God had been involved. David reflected on what God had said and what God had done. These observations helped him come to the realization that God knew him very well. God was always with him. God had been at work before David arrived at any location. God followed David wherever he chose to go. God blessed David personally. Throughout his life, David found strength and guidance in his relationship with God. Psalm 139 is a song of gratitude for our Creator. God created you by design with loving purpose. Our God provides direction for all. We can find our God to be aware of what is going on in every moment. God has been aware and active every day of our lives. When we were learning how to talk and walk God was there. This realization should produce a humble worship of God and desire to learn from God. Our loving Creator has thought about each of us more than we know. God loves you. This love motivated God to make a way of salvation for us. Our reasonable response should include the searching out of God’s thoughts for us. We should open ourselves to the examination and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
LOVE. This loving personal relationship causes me to pray, “search me O God,”. Is there anything about me that You would like to change? “Lead me into everlasting life.” – Psalm 139:24 God’s simple way for your life, following Jesus. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” – Jesus in John 14:6
Prayer – “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” – Psalm 139:23-24
Let us respond to Jesus’ thoughts on a life of service found in Mark 10:35-45 by asking ourselves this simple question: “Am I serving Jesus and serving others?”
Prayer – Please help me serve You O God and serve the people you have placed in my life.
The Simple Way. Follow Jesus. Serve God and the people God has placed in my life.
Steps to take:
1. Choose a heart attitude of service out of gratitude for God’s love of you.
2. Think through a list of the people in your life, asking God to help you see how you can be of service.
3. Plan and take action in simple steps to be of service to God and the people you see.