Jesus is the way to a personal relationship with a loving God.
“There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent.” Luke 23:44-56, 24:1-47
The trial, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus:
Matthew 27, 28 Mark 14, 15, 16 Luke 22, 23, 24 John 18, 19, 20, 21 Acts 1
“What makes God’s gift of grace so costly is that Jesus paid for it with His life. What makes it so powerful is that He came back from the dead, proving that He is the Son of God and that God accepted His sacrifice as payment for our sin.” – Steve Murrell
“God so loved,” John 3:16-17 “For everyone has sinned,” Romans 3:23-25
“So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift.” Romans 4:16
“He was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised to life to make us right with God.” Romans 4:25
“…we will certainly be saved through the life of His Son.” Romans 5:6-11
Guilt Removed Relationship Restored
Receive and Respond Repent and Believe Jesus is the way to a personal relationship with a loving God.
Live out your “Thank You!” Live like Jesus share His love.