We are called to become devoted followers of Jesus. Acts 2:38-47
Previous weeks:
1. Jesus is building, Jesus is our foundation, and relationship with Him is our purpose.
2. We are the family of God and the body of Jesus, brought together for intentional relationships.
3. We must pray for each other to grow in understanding the love of Jesus, and that the Good News be shared.
4. We must share God’s selfless love with each other.
5. We are called to become devoted followers of Jesus.
Acts 2:38-47
Devoted – to continue to do something with intense effort, with the possible implication of despite difficulty “to devote oneself to, to keep on, to persist in,”
Acts 2:38-47 Devotion:
· Learning from teaching
· Intentional relationships
· Communion
· Prayer
· Sharing
· Generosity
· Public Worship
· Small Groups
· Results: Miracles & Salvations
What should we do?
1. Receive the love of Jesus, choosing to find and follow Jesus.
2. Read Acts 2:38-47 and ask God if there’s a next step for you in becoming a devoted follower of Jesus.
3. Pray and write about it.
4. Ask for help.
5. Take one step.