“I will show you my faith by my good deeds.” – James 2:17-18
Over the next several weeks we will study the letter from James. As we do, please read the words of Jesus found in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7 looking for direct connections.
Faith is seen in action. Doing good is not a means to salvation, but a product of salvation.
Here’s the outline we will be working from:
James – the principles of faith-works.
I. Faith seen in growth James 1:1-21
II. Faith seen in works James 1:22-2:26
III. Faith seen in words James 3:1-18
IV. Faith seen in purity James 4:1-5-6
V. Faith seen in patience James 5:7-12
VI. Faith seen in prayer James 5:13-20
Part 1 – James 1:1-21
Verse 2-3
Endurance/steadfastness – ability to continue through difficulty, stand fast, wait patiently, courageous endurance which defies evil, including active and energetic resistance to hostile power, standing against an external factor without being disturbed or unsettled by it, staying calm in the face of assaults of destiny (without fear, without being bowed down by them), strong courageous brave resistance,
Verse 5 ask God for help, wisdom
Verses 6-8 whole-hearted devotion to God (is better than instability)
Verses 9-11 God provides opportunities in this short life for everyone
Verse 12 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation
Verses 17-18 God consistently blesses
Verse 19 Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to get angry
Verse 21 Get rid of all filth, accept God’s Word
What do we learn about God? God is faithful. God gives wisdom. God is reliable. God gives opportunities. God blesses. God has spoken. God offers salvation.
What should we do?
1. Have faith in God alone with wholehearted devotion.
2. Grow in patient endurance of testing and temptation.
3. Listen and be slow to speak.
4. Be slow to get angry.
5. Get rid of spiritual junk.
6. Humbly accept God’s Word.