John 13:1–38 John 18:15–18 John 18:25–27
We cannot read the story of the life of Jesus, without reading about the personal betrayal and rejection that he suffered.
Who rejected Jesus?
1. Peter
Jesus predicts it. Matthew 26:31-35 Mark 14:27-31 Luke 22:31-34 John 13:31-38
Peter denies knowing Jesus. Matthew 26:69-75 Mark 14:66-72 Luke 22:54-65 John 18:15-18, 25-27
2. Judas
Jesus predicts it. John 6:66-71 13:18-27
Agrees to it. Matthew 26:14-16 Mark 14:10-11 Luke 22:1-6
Last Supper decision. Matthew 26:20-25 Mark 14:18-21 Luke 22:21-23 John 13:27-30
Completes it in the Garden of Gethsemane. Matthew 26:47-50 Mark 14:43-46 Luke 22:47-48 John 18:1-9
Despair and suicide. Matthew 27:1-10
3. Jerusalem leaders
He gets his power from Satan. Matthew 12:24
Hostile argumentative challenges. Luke 11:53-54
Rejecting his identity publicly. Luke 19:38-40
Challenging Jesus in the Temple. Matthew 21:23-27 Mark 11:27-33 Luke 20:1-8
Plot to kill Jesus. Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16 Mark 14:1-2 Luke 22:1-2 John 11:45-57
False accusations, Judgment and condemnation of Jesus, High Priest’s home. Matthew 26:57-67 Mark 14:53-65 Luke 22:66-71 John 18:12-14, 19-24
During the trial before Pilate. Matthew 27:11-26 Mark 15:1-15 Luke 23:1-25 John 18-28-35
Mocked Jesus during crucifixion. Matthew 27:41-43 Mark 15:31-32 Luke 23:35
4. Many people.
The crowd includes many people . Many examples.
Nazareth rejection. Matthew 13:53-58 Mark 6:1-6 Luke 4:14-30 (tried to kill him.)
Samaritan rejection. Luke 9:52-56
Many followers leave. John 6:60-71
His brothers rejected his identity. John 7:1-9
Jerusalem crowd tries to kill Jesus. John 10:22-42
Roman trial, favor Barabbas over Jesus. “ we will take responsibility for his death. “Let his blood be on us. Matthew 27:11-26 Mark 15:1-15 Luke 23:18-25 John 18:28-40
People shouted their abuse, during crucifixion. Matthew 27:39-49 Mark 15:29-30
What do we learn?
Jesus understands the pain of personal betrayal.
Jesus understands the pain of broken relationships.
Jesus felt the pain of personal rejection. And yet Jesus did not allow it to define who he is.
1 John 4:9–10
Hebrews 12:1–3
What should we do?
1. Pray, asking the Holy Spirit to help us see Jesus clearly.
2. Pray, thanking Father God for sending Jesus, thanking the Holy Spirit for guidance, and thanking Jesus for what he endured on our behalf.
3. Think about what these truths mean to you.
4. Invite the love of Jesus to lift you from any personal betrayal you have suffered.